Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I'm in Jersey!

Countdown to Ocean City: 0 days!
Yes, it is true. OCSP 2011 has officially begun.
I am already having such a great experience. After traveling all day Tuesday (woke up at 3:00 a.m., got to the airport at 4:15 a.m., flew out of SMF at 6:20 a.m., got to Salt Lake City at 9:00 a.m. (8:00 a.m. Cali time), flew out of SLC at 9:45 a.m., got to Philadelphia at 4:00 p.m. (1:00 p.m. Cali time), got picked up at the airport at 8:00 p.m., and FINALLY got to Ocean City at 10:00 p.m.) I have to say...Philadelphia was a completely different world from Chico. I have to admit, I think I experienced a little bit of culture shock and was somewhat considering why the heck I decided to go on project. Haha. Luckily, OC is different from Philly, in a good way. Only down side is the humidity. I am from California, I like dry whether where I actually feel like I'm breathing air and not suffocating. And this isn't even the worst, I heard in July it gets to 100% humidity. My poor hair can't handle that. ;)
Since being in Jersey, I have definitely experienced the awkward "hellos" and not knowing anyone. I have tried to cling to my fellow Chico folks until I have become acquainted with more people. Haha. But today was great, I did indeed meet friends! :)
I got to meet my Impact Group (Bible study group) and my Action Group (my Bible study group combined with a boys Bible study group). We had lunch together and got to share our testimonies. We also had two group meetings in the church we will be attending all summer. It is actually the church that founded Ocean City Summer Project exactly 45 years ago! I also went to the pier for the first time and was able to go on a prayer walk with a girl that attends UC Berkley. That was a sweet time to get to know her and start building relationships with people outside of Chico.
Lastly, my latest adventure was to the infamous Wawa. I have to say, Wawa was everything it was hyped up to be! They have milkshakes and you can choose how thick you want it AND touchscreen computers to order sandwiches!! Completely blew my mind. I felt like I was in an amusement park.
Here are a few pictures of my experience so far:

First meal on the East Coast...

My roommate is from Minnesota...maybe I'll pick up on her accent. ;)

There is only two of us, so there is more room than I expected.

Casey Cone (now Mrs. Millot) and Miss Kirsten Foster had my room previous years!

My first Wawa experience. YUM.


  1. so fun. yeeee!!! when you meet sara k. and kristen reents tell her that lauren tees and I say hi :)

  2. I love those girls!! I will definitely tell them hi for you. :)
