Monday, June 6, 2011

It's Not About Me - It's About God.

SO much has happened since my last post, so I apologize in advance if this one is rather lengthy!
(Hopefully I will be blogging more often, so my posts won't be so long)
I literally feel like I have been here for a month and it will only be one week tomorrow.
This week has been nonstop go, go, go. I'm excited to be able to sit and tell you all about it.
We have had so many fun opportunities to bond as a community and I'm so thankful for that, because I feel like I usually have a hard time meeting people initially.
On Wednesday night we went to Wonderland (an amusement park on the boardwalk) and it was Wonder Bear's birthday! All rides were only one ticket, what a deal! Anyway, it was fun acting like a twelve year old, running around, and screaming.
We got down to business on Friday when Jill Fuhs led our first training meeting. We also had the opportunity to go out on the boardwalk and share. Jill really prepared us and shared a great quote,
"We might feel defeated if someone doesn't accept Christ right after we explain the gospel. But often God's plan is to use several Christians to "plant seeds" in another's life."
This really encouraged me, because I feel like my delivery is pretty rough when I go out and share the gospel, but 1 Corinthians 3: 6-7 "So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth." helped me realize that I am doing the will of God and he is going to be the one to take over after my conversation with these individuals. Some very encouraging news is we have had roughly thirteen individuals trust their life to Christ this week!! It is so amazing to see the impact we are already having in Ocean City and to welcome these new brothers and sisters in Christ.
I have another praise...I got a job at McDonald's! Whoop whoop!! I am not going to lie, I have actually wanted to work at McDonald's for quite some time. There are currently six Crusaders employed at McDonald's, so I'm really excited to see how the Lord uses all of us. Donna, our boss, said they had such an amazing experience last year, so hopefully we can keep up the good reputation!!
Saturday night the women had a great opportunity to have Women's Time. It was a beautiful time for the women of OCSP 2011 to be vulnerable and really get to know each other. I love all the women who decided to trust the Lord and come this summer. I feel like we all know each other so well already! I cannot wait for the quarter students to come and mix it all up though.
Yesterday we attended the Ocean City Baptist Church and I think I posted this in my previous blog, but it is the church that founded Ocean City Summer Project 45 years ago. Pastor Wright also attended church yesterday, it was so awesome to see the man who started it! 
Some other fun, random stories...we have a guy on staff named Adam and he can stick eight quarters in his nostrils. Strangest thing ever. They have also introduced the "Couch of Connections". If you are not very familiar with Campus Crusade for Christ, the rumor is it is not uncommon for love to arise on project. Haha. It is kind of a joke but we do have a swing at the Inn called "The DTR Swing". It'll be interesting to see if these items are utilized this summer!
I would like to thank all of those who helped me get to Ocean City financially and through prayer. I am so blessed to have this opportunity and I feel like so much has already happened. I can't even imagine what else is in store for all of us participating in this journey!
On a side note, please be praying for those who have not found a job yet. Many have been successful, but there are still those who are persistently searching but haven't had any luck yet. Also pray for safe travels for the quarter students, I'm SO excited for them to come!!

It's true...I wasn't lying!
Women's Time!
Day off at the beach!

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