Sunday, July 3, 2011

"Together is better, because we are better together."

Before I start, let me explain myself...this week we were only allowed to have internet form 4-6 p.m. and during that time I was either working or eating dinner. I feel like I have to constantly apologize for not updating often enough, but truly, I am so sorry! 
Okay, the theme of this week was "All for One". In about two weeks, staff will leave and the students will then be in charge of project. I'm probably thinking the same thing you all are thinking will that work!? I have no idea, but it will. Haha. Staff will decide what leadership position we will step into when they leave and everything will then fall together...hopefully. ;) This week was about unity and growing in community. It was a really beautiful week of growth and excitement about what is to come in a few weeks. On Monday night Adam Penning's message was centered on, "Together is better, because we are better together." Kinda sounds like song lyrics, right?
He discussed something that I could relate to so immensely; I had no option but to soak up every piece of his message that night. He said, "If you're alone during those dark times of your soul, you will continue to go downwards. You need someone in your life to give you shelter." I know I have brought up this past semester and how I struggled a lot, but I really have not gone into great detail. I have decided to go a little deeper with you all and share more about what was going on earlier this year. In December I started really isolating myself from everyone but family. I didn't really associate with my roommates for about two weeks and took multiple steps back in many other relationships I had in my life. It was as if I knew I wasn't okay, but wasn't willing to try to figure out what was going on. After a few weeks I decided the best thing for me was to seek out professional help. I began seeing a therapist in January and it became pretty apparent that I have anxiety depression. Once realizing that and continuing to seek help, things started to turn around. Unfortunately the relationships I tried so hard to push out of my life during that dark time were forever damaged. If only I could have gotten past the self-pity I insisted on feeding myself and sought out my roommates and other close friends could I have avoided growing deeper in depression. Until Monday I was convinced I knew how important community was, but after reflecting on December I discovered I put more effort towards avoiding community. "Together is better, because we are better together." That is a very true statement and I really want to embrace it...we are stronger as a community than as an individual. Adam paralleled that to God, he is a community within himself (Father, Son, Holy Spirit), so if the God that created the universe was made for community, humans (including me!) definitely were.
Continuing on the theme of community, Tuesday night we had a group date night with Jesus. Three other ladies and myself set our sights on the beach and had a great time of diving into a chapter in the New Testament and dissecting it. Following our date, we headed to the church where we had an opportunity to have a Q&A panel. We broke up into men and women and had a panel of three men then a panel of four women. Many of the questions we asked were focused on relationships. I gained so much from these individuals and know that their wisdom has not only come from experience but from meditation on the word and what it says about relationships. I have seen Q&A panels before but based on my growth in these past five weeks, I was so much more excited to hear the questions and in return the answers given.
Moving into Wednesday night, the women got all "gussied up" and attended Women's Conference. We were treated with a limo ride to the church (literally four blocks away, haha!) and a great dinner in the beautifully decorated gym. The theme of the conference was "Risking it all to follow the call." Jill Fuhs started the night with a great message about listening to what Jesus is calling you to do and not only hearing him, but acting on it. We proceeded to go to four different stations on comparison, womanhood, marriage, and friendships. Just like the Q&A panel, it was great to hear from such lovely women of God share their experiences and reliance on the Holy Spirit. Staff bought each of us ladies a copy of Rick James' A Million Ways to Die (which I had already received as a birthday present and brought to project...what are the odds?).
We wrapped up the week with a student (also known as the STUDS) versus staff softball game. Although we got creamed (it was rumored that the final score was somewhere around 29-13...) it was a fun time to come together as a team and cheer each other on. I even walked away with a nice little battle wound! Gosh, that brought back the good days of Little League. It was so much fun and even though they killed us, staff put on an ice cream social afterwards, so it was really a win-win for everyone! :)
We have now arrived at "World Vision" week and in Sunday school this morning Adam Penning discussed the topic of being sent. It was so powerful and I'm excited to go into more detail about it in my next post. I have not really considered doing ministry abroad, so I'm excited to see if the Lord lays something on my heart this week about possibly pursuing international ministries! I feel like I'm in a different country just by being on the east coast, I can't even imagine legitimately sharing the gospel somewhere outside the United States. Expect a blog in the next few days on the contents of this week, but until then...enjoy your Independence Day and please, please, please be safe! I love you all and thank you so much for your continued support.
I get to surround myself with these gorgeous women every day!
Representing CSU Chico.
California girls. :)
Action Group love.
I may not have walked away with a victory, but I did walk away with this.

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